Headphone Lady Sketch

These are some sketches for the next project.

King Neptune

This Artwork is for sale. If you wanna buy it just send me a message to my email at john_videph@yahoo.co.id

Format: A3 jpg

For more information about King Neptune click here.
Gambar ini terinspirasi saat saya menonton film Spongebob. Entah kenapa tangan saya gatal untuk mengganti tubuh bagian bawahnya dengan dua kaki, hehe. King Neptune vs Octopus. Semoga kalian suka.

This image was inspired when I watch Spongebob movie. For some reason my hands itch to replace his lower body with two legs, hehe. Octopus vs. King Neptune. Hope you like it.

Guerrier Poster

Free poster for you :)